You Just Made My Day!

Hi, I'm Katrina.

If you're here that means something I wrote resonated with you, and that just makes my day!

I'd love to know what it was and what you thought about it. If you're game, fill out this quick form and I'll reach out.

Want to Make My Month?

I agree to receive highly valuable, somewhat entertaining, occasionally humorous and possibly life-changing emails at indeterminate frequencies. I trust my information will never be rented, sold, spammed or scribbled on public bathroom stalls, and I can unsubscribe any time (but I won't because I know it'll leave me empty inside).

I'm Katrina Turner and I'm a storyteller, marketing strategist, copy chief, wife and mom. There may be some other debatable things people call me, but these are the only ones I lay claim to. Whenever I feel stuck, instead of getting frustrated I get super curious, and whenever I share what I've learned in those moments, it moves people. I decided to start writing those micro-moments down and sending them to a small group of likeminded folks. If that sounds like your vibe, feel free to join the tribe.